About Forward Motion
Welcome to Forward Motion, a company designed to provide effective support for your day-to-day business.
Project Management
Do you need to deliver a project but have no resources to do it?
Often, the launch of a new project is a task given to your operational team yet they may not have the time to take care of it on top of their day-to-day work. As a result, the project which was described as “strategic” by your management gets shoved to the bottom of the pile, pushed aside by urgent fires that need to be put out.
But the project needs to be done, and completing it requires a Project Manager’s skills and experience, especially if you have tight deadlines and demanding stakeholders!...
New product launch & marketing
Do you have a new product to launch or a Marketing image to renew ?
Would you like to assess the viability of a new product you’re thinking of launching? Do you need to launch a new product and manage it from the idea stage to the market launch?
Do you need to analyze communication with your clients and assess its efficiency? Or maybe it is time to review your marketing material and refresh it? These are good indications that you need marketing support. We can help you…
Business Process Engineering
Do you need to re-organize your department or your processes?
Organizations are forever changing to meet emerging business needs. Efficient organizations recognize the need for departmental change to avoid overlaps & gaps in the organization.
Are you looking for a Quick Win, a short and simple re-organization? …
Knowledge Management
Are you looking for help to refresh or create your company’s intranet?
Intranets and internet websites have grown in number and in size these last few years. But are you noticing that the plethora of information makes every document that much harder to find? Are you baffled by your intranet’s structure? Would you be hard pressed to say what its objective is? Maybe it’s time for an in-depth assessment and revamp…