Project Management
Do you need to deliver a project but lack the resources to do it?
Often, the launch of a new project is a task given to your operational team and they may not have the time to take care of it on top of their day-to-day work. As a result, the project which was described as “strategic” by your management gets shoved to the bottom of the pile, pushed aside by urgent fires that need to be put out.
But the project needs to be done, and completing it requires a Project Manager’s skills and experience, especially if you have tight deadlines and demanding stakeholders!
A project, by definition, is a temporary activity with a starting date, specific goals and conditions, defined responsibilities, a budget, a plan, a fixed end date and with multiple parties involved.
Managing a project is not something to be improvised. It requires a certain skill set and knowledge about how to achieve your goals in the determined deadline.
So what to do? With Forward Motion, you have access to a network of skilled Project Managers, for short or long engagements.
Focus: Olfa Méliani, the Senior Consultant at Forward Motion, is a PMI certified Project Manager, with ten years of experience. She can support you in projects ranging from simple application launches to a department’s reorganization or a Knowledge Management endeavor.
Having a PMI certified Project manager can make all the difference in your project’s success. The Project Management Institute (PMI) is an American organization which defines the standards of the Project Management discipline. PMI delivers certifications that ensure that the person you rely on has the right competences to get the project done. Structured thinking, time management, knowledge of the bases of Project Management are all pre-requisites to complete the deliverable…
This simple triangle is something that is essential for a Project Manager to know. It will arbitration between outcomes and attribute the resources where needed to reach your objective. Indeed, your priority may be a deadline and Time & scope can be adapted. Or your Cost may be the driving motive, and the rest can be adapted.
So if you’d like to know more about Forward Motion’s offering in Project management, contact us at .