Business Process Re-engineering

Do you need to re-organize your department or your processes?

Organizations are forever changing to meet emerging business needs. Efficient organizations recognize the need for departmental change to avoid overlaps & gaps in the organization. Are you looking for a Quick Win, a short and simple re-organization?

Our consultants can help you by delivering an Audit of your company’s processes and organization. We will conduct interviews and workshops with the goal of producing a complete analysis of your department’s organization. This study will give you insights on your department’s gaps in processes, the frictions you may encounter when interacting with other departments and depending on your focus, on other elements you wish to investigate. The deliverable is a map of the ‘As Is’ situation, and a gap analysis.

In a second phase, we will recommend a ‘To Be’ organization, in which we will detail the roles & responsibilities of each person within your organization and their interactions with other departments.

Focus: The advantage of hiring Forward Motion compared to a large Strategy Consulting Firm, is that we go beyond the analysis. We will stay as long as you need to support you throughout your implementation.
The devil is in the details! And no detail is too small for our consultants if it achieves the goal of getting your new organization up and running!

One very interesting tool we use is a RACI Matrix. This tool allows us to define what tasks need to be done and then assign responsibilities to specific persons and departments. The RACI matrix lists in line, the tasks to be done and in column the persons or departments likely to do them. The exercise attributes the type of responsibility: ‘R’ stands for Responsible, ‘A’ is accountable, ‘C’ is Consulted and ‘I’ Informed.

tableThis powerful exercise is usually done in a workshop and each stakeholder participates in the definition and attribution of tasks. As a result, the buy-in of all departments is strong and the scope frictions reduced to a minimum.

Once the Roles & responsibilities are attributed, the Key Processes and SLAs can then be drafted and validated, thus completing the transition to the new organization. If need be, Dashboards and Reporting can then be constructed to give you the Management Tools necessary to pilot your organization.

We can also support you with the human aspect of the re-organization, such as Training plans, co-location proposals and the creation of Communication tools for your team such as department Newsletters &Intranets.

Are you interested in Forward Motion’s offering in Business Process Re-Engineering? Contact us at .